Jumpstart 3rd grade 1996
Jumpstart 3rd grade 1996

Botley: See? Everyone's impressed by the professor. Something you should know plenty about Polly. Miss Winkle: Now, today quiz is all about inventions and discoveries.

jumpstart 3rd grade 1996

Good luck! Botley: Oh, that's just great! How are we gonna get into the mountain? Oh, and by the way, you have to get in the house first, and I changed the locks. But I'm warning you: if I don't get 'em all back soon, I'm sending you off to do the extra-credit question. Just plug that disc into the TransQuizzer, then figuring out where I sent the robots should be simple. To make it so easy even you can figure it out, I'll leave the disc with the first part of the test on the first floor. Botley: That's Botley! And I want nothin' to do with your plan, Polly, just bring those robots back! Don't you see? You could destroy us all! Polly: You could destroy us all! P-lease, Spotley, if you're so scared, why don't you just bring them back yourself? You've got my TransQuizzer now all you need are the questions on my history quiz. I just marched those robots into the machine, pushed a few buttons, and voila! Unfortunately, there's still one more question, the extra credit question, and it's super hard! That's why I've been looking for you, Notley. Botley: So you sent 25 of your father's robots back in time to change history?! How could you do that, Polly?! Polly: Oh, that was the easy part, since Daddy just invented that "Handy Dandy Time Machine" upstairs. Polly: Be quiet, Plotley, this is my story! Anyway, after getting my first zero ever, I got the most brillant idea! Instead of settling for a bad grade, I changed history to match my answers. But instead of laughing like she was supposed to, she gave me a big, fat zero! I felt faint and short of breath! No one's ever given me a zero before! Botley: Well, that's not quite true, Polly.

jumpstart 3rd grade 1996

So just to have some fun, I made up my own answers to that dumb old quiz. I already knew all the answers, and she knew I knew them. Polly: Didn't my father teach you it's rude to tell secrets, Rotley? Well, I suppose he's told you his side of everything, but what does he know? Today when I was at school, the teacher handed us a surprise quiz. Polly: I can see you've brought help, and you've got the TransQuizzer! Botley: She knows we need it to save the world. Polly: Oh, Snotley, you're back! I've been looking for you. Polly should be inside, and I just bet she's watching us now. Um, as I was saying, this is the Professor's Mountain. There's just so little time and so much to do.īotley: Phew! Sorry about the landing. The future of the world may depend on that little machine in your hands. Hey you've got that uh, the, the uh TransQuizzer. But what could I do? This mission is too important.

jumpstart 3rd grade 1996

Botley: If Professor Sparks have meant for me to fly, he'd have given me wings. Is that gun in your mouth? Sorry! My mistake. Sit up straight, No slouching at this classroom. Sign-In Bot: Please enter, and have a seat.

jumpstart 3rd grade 1996

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Jumpstart 3rd grade 1996